Friday, March 30, 2012

Let’s Make a Memory Board!! (tutorial)

We are going to make one of these!!


Alrighty!  I love these things…. don’t you?   Come to find out….they’re pretty darn simple to make.  The back doesn’t look really pretty…. but we don’t care about the back!!
Anyway… Here is what you will need:


Hot glue gun (& glue)
Staple Gun (& staples)
Ribbon of choice
Fabric of choice
5 Beads, buttons, whatever!
2 Pieces of corkboard (1 sq. foot ea)
Polly Fill stuffing
OK!  First.  Let me tell you about the cork board.  I was at walmart looking to price the regular framed boards that you can buy (over in the stationary department) … and I came across a package of 4 of these Square foot tiles of cork board!  I thought immediately… that these would make a GREAT project!!  They were about $5.  Alrighty.. on with the “what to do’s” Smile


First and foremost – Glue two of the cork boards together with your hot glue gun – Makes the board thicker, which saves the staples from going through.


Ok.  Now that the boards are glued, Take your fabric (I doubled mine up) and lay it down on a hard surface so it lays flat (a table works great!).  Begin stapling the fabric to the cork board.  If you’ll notice… I used two staples to ensure a good grip.


Staple three of the four sides … LEAVE the corners!!  Once stapling is done with the three sides… it’s time to stuff!  Grab small handfuls of your poly fill and work it into the “pocket” you’ve made.  Move your hand on top of the fill to get it to form right and to fill all the spaces. 


Keep filling until the board has just the right amount of “oomph” for you.


Now let’s close that last side!!  Remember to pull the fabric fairly tight… but not TOO tight, or the cork board will bend up.


For the corners – Grab the flap – Push the sides of the flap in tight and then staple.  I threw a few staples on the corners once again to ensure a good grip.


Not too hard so far, eh?  Here’s some fun!  Grab your ribbon – Take it from one center end to the next, leave some extra at the ends, and cut.  Do this a few more times until you have enough pieces to make the pattern above.


Staple your ribbon to the back of the board.  I stapled one end of each without much thought – when it came to doing the other ends, I pulled tight, made sure they were even, and then stapled them down.  When it comes to placing the ribbon going the opposite way – weave those pieces through your existing pieces.


Whala!!  Now you can do the hot gluing.  I chose to place a dot under each ribbon connection to make sure they stay in place.  I then glued some beads my daughter had saved, seeing as how these are the boards I made HER…
For hanging – You can get any type of “picture hanging kit” and glue the hanger on the back of the boards.  Dollar general has a kit for a buck.  Nice and cheap!!  The hangers I used look like this :
Anddddd…. That’s IT!!!  I hope this wasn’t too hard for ya’ll and that maybe, just maybe you enjoyed it.  I’d love to see what ya’ll come up with!!  Feel free to send me your results to me at

Monday, February 13, 2012

T-Shirt Rug!!

Alrighty!!  You're probably wondering....  HUH?!  Well.  I'll tell you!
First... I'd like to say that I'm writing this, because I've had a few ask 
me how I made mine.  It's a tedious process, takes a while, and there 
are blisters involved.....  HOWEVER...
The end result is FANTASTIC!! (lol)

I found the original idea here - Rags By Sock Monkey  (which I found
 by using Pinterest)  All I did, was upped the 'ante' a bit so to speak.  
Maybe I should start calling it my "Scrap Rug" or... my "Anything rug',
 since it's not just T-shirts.

Be prepared for ALOT of cutting.... blisters, a sore hiney, and many 
more small obstacles in your journey into rug making.... lol.  It's well worth
 it though, these rugs are extremely awesome and incredibly comfy!!!  
The original calls for just T-shirts, but for me.. I wanted to  explore more 
options.  SO, I incorporated sweatshirts, 
sweatpants, fleece pullovers, you name
it, I was using it!

The following photos are two rugs I've made.

This is my first.  Trial and error rug.  I made it using a T-shirt as 
the base....  The end result?  The holes in the T-shirt stretch 
big time and the 'tie' pieces are constantly falling out.  

Here is my second rug..  

Learning from the first, I decided to make the base
a sweatshirt piece instead, and using string, I stitched one small
 little stitch into each 'tie' piece to ensure they'd stay in. Whalaaa!!  
It worked!  So this is the 'tutorial' I'll give to you all.

Ok first.  Collect all the shirts, sweats, etc. that you're planning on
using.  I always think of a color scheme I'd like to do...  
whether it's grays, pinks, blues, etc.  This one I'm going to
show you all, I chose purples.  This is going to be my personal I LOVE purple!!  Anyhoo...
Once you gather all the items you're going to be using, start
cutting strips.  You probably want to keep them about an inch
wide or so (it doesn't have to be exact, just guess-timate!)
You'll also want to cut them about 6 inches long (again,
you don't have to be exact, we'll trim later).
Get some string (thread) and a needle too, that way
all your supplies are handy with you.  I always sit on the 
floor to do my crafting, it's just easier...and the space is so
much bigger!!

Anyway...  Grab a sweatshirt or fleece pullover for your base.
Cut a big square out.  Look at my pic for an example.

Once you've cut out your "base"... start by cutting or poking
little holes into it, in lines, you can do as many holes as you'd like.
I didn't measure or anything, between holes was about a 'finger

I spread it out a bit, so you could see how I did my holes.
Ok.  By now you should have your strips cut too... If not,
go ahead and start cutting!!  I use every possible section
of clothing to cut from... and I love using sweats rather
than just T-shirts.  They hold up so much better.
Got your strips ready?

LOL... ALOT of cutting!!!

Ok.  Now we're ready to go.
Figure out your pattern, etc. before you start... this way you have
an idea on what you're going to do.
It's almost like weaving, but not quite.  Confused?
Grab your first strip, (I always work with the bottom
of the rug up, it's easier to feed the strips through and
keep track of my pattern) if working with the bottom
up like I do, the shove one end of the strip in the first hole
and the second end in the one right above it.

Taking your next strip... shove the first end into the hole
that the second end of your first strip went in.  Then shove the
other end into the hole above it.  Now, just with those two
strips, you should have only used 3 holes.  I hope that hasn't
confused you!!  Aside from the end holes, all the other holes
will be double used by the strips.
Keep going until you're done!!
I made a pattern on mine, which is easy to do... if you can't tell
what it is, it's a heart!

When you're finished threading your pieces through... you
can stop here, or reinforce the rug, like I do... so you're not
constantly picking up strips that happen to fall out (all the time!)

This is where you grab a needle and some string (I use
string because it's stronger than just thread).
Start with the beginning strip in a line pinch both ends together
and move your fingers towards the bottom of the strip, pinch both
ends together and push the needle through the front,
then through the back.  I do this twice, then tie
it off in a double knot.

Snip the ends off close to the bottom of the rug, careful
not to cut the knot off!!

This is the MOST time consuming part of the rug making
process, but well worth it!!  After threading the string
and such, I trim off the ends of the strips, so they're all
kind of one length.  You can make them as long or as 
short as you'd like them.

DONE!!  Here's the back of my rug...

And here's the front!!
(Photo was taken with a different camera,
so it looks different, but it's really not!)

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to email me
and I'll help ya' anyway I can.

I hope you enjoyed this!!
I'd love to see any rugs you guys come up with!!

Friday, November 18, 2011

Awesome Cleaning Tip!!

I've been meaning to post this for quite some time....
I'm not aware of how many of you may know this or not...  
But there is a GREAT cheap fix to those STUBBORN carpet stains!!!  

Ready for it?!

Here's what you'll need:
Baking soda (Dollar General you can get 2 boxes for $1)
White distilled Vinegar (Dollar General $2.50 a gallon)
Small scrub brush/toothbrush
Spray Bottle (Dollar General $1)
Small bowl
Spatula or other likely item

First.  Grab your small bowl and make a paste with the vinegar 
and baking soda.  There's no exact measurement.... but just enough 
to make  it a paste.  Now I should warn you....  The mixture will bubble 
and  fizz like crazy, so only do small parts at a time!

After satisfied with your paste.... grab your other items and head 
to that stubborn stain!!  Here's my stain.

See that lovely black streak?!  It's terrible!!  We're about to fix it!!
I happen to have a tiny spatula... which works great for this kind 
of cleaning, however... using your fingers is completely safe!!

Spread the "paste" onto the stain.  Make sure you're covering the 
entire stain.  Let it set for a minute or so... it doesn't have to be timed 
or anything.

Alrighty... If your stain is like mine, you'll already start to see a bit 
of difference. Here's where the hardest part of the stain removal comes 
into play. The elbow grease!!  Start scrubbing in the paste.
You'll notice it clumping and such, just smear it out again 
and keep scrubbing!!

When you've scrubbed the entire stain.  Let it set a minute again...
Grab your spray bottle and fiill it with 50% vinegar and 50% hot water.
This next step is going to start making your house smell like a big 
pickle...  but hey! at least the stain will be gone!!

Spray the vinegar on the area that you've just scrubbed.
Scrub some more!!

Looks great! Don't you think?!  If you're not planning on cleaning 
your carpet with a carpet cleaner right after.... I know how annoying 
those  wet spots can be. So grab your rag and blot at the spot, put 
plenty pressure on it to get the vinegar soaked up.

You will love the outcome of this sooooo much, I guarantee you'll be 
cleaning so many spots .. you'll think it's fun!! ha ha!!

VOILA!!!  Look at that stain now!!

After removing stains... I generally grab my carpet cleaner and rather
than using the chemical 'detergent', I use the same water/vinegar 
mixture as in the spray bottle.  Yes... it smells like some big time pickle 
action in the house... but it does go away!!  And besides... you'll have a 
beautiful  (stain free) carpet to look at afterwards!!!

**Side note... the baking soda also helps to take odor out of the carpet... 
such as puppy oopsies and the kiddo yucks**

You're welcome!!!
Thanks for reading!!  I'd love to see results if you'd like to send them!
I'll even share them here!!
Just email them to me!!

Until next time

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Lovepeace Rocknroll Review

Here's another little Facebook "shop" ya'll need to take time out to visit!!
You could technically call her your personal shopper, because she picks out the cutest outfits you could possibly think of!!  She also asks for personal sizes, so that she may find outfits you'll want.  I've not seen the clothes she offers out in my 'neck of the woods' I sure appreciate what she does!

I've purchased MANY items from Lovepeace, which I'm not about to post all the photos...
but here's just a sampling of what my daughter has recieved from her.


We've gotten much more than what's pictured here... this is just a sampling.
The pictures don't do the outfits any justice at all... seeing is believing!!
Along side her awesome selection of clothing, Lovepeace also offers ribbon, buttons, scrap booking stickers, t-shirt appliques, shoes, and etc.  You cannot go wrong by shopping with her!!!

I give Lovepeace Rocknroll

Her customer service, turnaround time, products offered.. are all above and beyond
what you'd expect from a shop!!  She's become what she is, because of the strides she takes to ensure customer happiness.
Be sure to stop by!!

Thanks for reading this review :)
(I'll have a review of her ribbon and shoes coming up)

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

3 Tiny Blessings - Victoria White

I have gotten a few things from Miss Vickie in the past couple months...
and I must say that I am very pleased with her products so far!
Here are the items I've recieved from her:

The outfits were in tip top shape when I recieved them and they still are after several washes.  My daughter absolutely loves them!!!  She can't wait until I get another one, she's always so excited to see what's next. :o)

The pillows were also a big hit!  The monkey pillow was for my son Austin (5yrs.)  He always makes sure to bring it with him if he stays the night anywhere.  He was thrilled to see that HE finally had gotten something in the mail.  The owl pillow was a gift for my mom, since owls are her absolute favorite :o)  She liked recieving it as much as I liked ordering it.

Vickie White, owner of 3 Tiny Blessings has top notch customer service and she's very personable.  If there's anything you'd like to see, let her know!  She'll work with you to make it happen!!!

I give 3 Tiny Blessings:
Her customer service, turnover time, products and all included are excellent!!
I wouldn't have a bad thing to say about her and her company at all!!