Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!

Well.... 2010 is gone.  Hello 2011!!
I am ready for a brand new year!!  Let's hope this year is
top notch compared to last year!!
Hope everyone had a great celebration to bring in the year...
but safely too.

Anyway....  I've got a few different blog sites...
and a member of a few too, they're all different and this one is no
exception.  Point is... I enjoy writing.  I needed an outlet
to be able to do why not blogger?
I have my design/tutorial blog, I have CT blogs, but none
for just shootin' the stuff and writing whatever I want.

I'm hoping to have followers at some point... who knows.
I was an avid blogger when yahoo was the stuff.  I was highly read
and people actually looked forward to reading what I had to
say for the day.  Then yahoo fizzled out.  *Sigh*

Stay tuned for some interesting (or not so interesting) reads I
hope to write in the future.  Thanks for stopping by!!

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