Wednesday, March 2, 2011


Once again... It's been a while.  Sorry about that.  Life sometimes just gets so darn busy that you barely have a moment to sit down.  Anyway.... a few things to post about this morning...

First.. I'd like to share some new t-shirt designs/ideas I've got.

Here's one:

I bought the template image from Just Creations, who, might I add, has some darling templates!!  I am also
licensed to use them on my t-shirts, which I'm incredibly happy about. :o)  I am very satisfied with my coloring abilities and how the image turned out. lol.

Now then, I have a couple more tshirts to show off...
Thinking about adding glitter to some shirts, just for that extra "oomph".
Here's a spring themed t-shirt I made this morning...

I am fond of this one..... The camera enhances the sparkle quite a bit, but I think it looks awesome!!!
And then I made this one.  It's harder to read in the picture, but it's much clearer in person..

The shirt says "Girly Girl" and I made it for my daughter, I really like how it turned out.
Any feedback on these shirts is appreciated... Don't hesitate and be honest!!!

I have another blog I use for reviews, but I think I'll just start posting them here, since this is my main one.
I will start those in just a bit, I'm past due!!!

Until later

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