Friday, November 18, 2011

Awesome Cleaning Tip!!

I've been meaning to post this for quite some time....
I'm not aware of how many of you may know this or not...  
But there is a GREAT cheap fix to those STUBBORN carpet stains!!!  

Ready for it?!

Here's what you'll need:
Baking soda (Dollar General you can get 2 boxes for $1)
White distilled Vinegar (Dollar General $2.50 a gallon)
Small scrub brush/toothbrush
Spray Bottle (Dollar General $1)
Small bowl
Spatula or other likely item

First.  Grab your small bowl and make a paste with the vinegar 
and baking soda.  There's no exact measurement.... but just enough 
to make  it a paste.  Now I should warn you....  The mixture will bubble 
and  fizz like crazy, so only do small parts at a time!

After satisfied with your paste.... grab your other items and head 
to that stubborn stain!!  Here's my stain.

See that lovely black streak?!  It's terrible!!  We're about to fix it!!
I happen to have a tiny spatula... which works great for this kind 
of cleaning, however... using your fingers is completely safe!!

Spread the "paste" onto the stain.  Make sure you're covering the 
entire stain.  Let it set for a minute or so... it doesn't have to be timed 
or anything.

Alrighty... If your stain is like mine, you'll already start to see a bit 
of difference. Here's where the hardest part of the stain removal comes 
into play. The elbow grease!!  Start scrubbing in the paste.
You'll notice it clumping and such, just smear it out again 
and keep scrubbing!!

When you've scrubbed the entire stain.  Let it set a minute again...
Grab your spray bottle and fiill it with 50% vinegar and 50% hot water.
This next step is going to start making your house smell like a big 
pickle...  but hey! at least the stain will be gone!!

Spray the vinegar on the area that you've just scrubbed.
Scrub some more!!

Looks great! Don't you think?!  If you're not planning on cleaning 
your carpet with a carpet cleaner right after.... I know how annoying 
those  wet spots can be. So grab your rag and blot at the spot, put 
plenty pressure on it to get the vinegar soaked up.

You will love the outcome of this sooooo much, I guarantee you'll be 
cleaning so many spots .. you'll think it's fun!! ha ha!!

VOILA!!!  Look at that stain now!!

After removing stains... I generally grab my carpet cleaner and rather
than using the chemical 'detergent', I use the same water/vinegar 
mixture as in the spray bottle.  Yes... it smells like some big time pickle 
action in the house... but it does go away!!  And besides... you'll have a 
beautiful  (stain free) carpet to look at afterwards!!!

**Side note... the baking soda also helps to take odor out of the carpet... 
such as puppy oopsies and the kiddo yucks**

You're welcome!!!
Thanks for reading!!  I'd love to see results if you'd like to send them!
I'll even share them here!!
Just email them to me!!

Until next time

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Lovepeace Rocknroll Review

Here's another little Facebook "shop" ya'll need to take time out to visit!!
You could technically call her your personal shopper, because she picks out the cutest outfits you could possibly think of!!  She also asks for personal sizes, so that she may find outfits you'll want.  I've not seen the clothes she offers out in my 'neck of the woods' I sure appreciate what she does!

I've purchased MANY items from Lovepeace, which I'm not about to post all the photos...
but here's just a sampling of what my daughter has recieved from her.


We've gotten much more than what's pictured here... this is just a sampling.
The pictures don't do the outfits any justice at all... seeing is believing!!
Along side her awesome selection of clothing, Lovepeace also offers ribbon, buttons, scrap booking stickers, t-shirt appliques, shoes, and etc.  You cannot go wrong by shopping with her!!!

I give Lovepeace Rocknroll

Her customer service, turnaround time, products offered.. are all above and beyond
what you'd expect from a shop!!  She's become what she is, because of the strides she takes to ensure customer happiness.
Be sure to stop by!!

Thanks for reading this review :)
(I'll have a review of her ribbon and shoes coming up)

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

3 Tiny Blessings - Victoria White

I have gotten a few things from Miss Vickie in the past couple months...
and I must say that I am very pleased with her products so far!
Here are the items I've recieved from her:

The outfits were in tip top shape when I recieved them and they still are after several washes.  My daughter absolutely loves them!!!  She can't wait until I get another one, she's always so excited to see what's next. :o)

The pillows were also a big hit!  The monkey pillow was for my son Austin (5yrs.)  He always makes sure to bring it with him if he stays the night anywhere.  He was thrilled to see that HE finally had gotten something in the mail.  The owl pillow was a gift for my mom, since owls are her absolute favorite :o)  She liked recieving it as much as I liked ordering it.

Vickie White, owner of 3 Tiny Blessings has top notch customer service and she's very personable.  If there's anything you'd like to see, let her know!  She'll work with you to make it happen!!!

I give 3 Tiny Blessings:
Her customer service, turnover time, products and all included are excellent!!
I wouldn't have a bad thing to say about her and her company at all!!


Once again... It's been a while.  Sorry about that.  Life sometimes just gets so darn busy that you barely have a moment to sit down.  Anyway.... a few things to post about this morning...

First.. I'd like to share some new t-shirt designs/ideas I've got.

Here's one:

I bought the template image from Just Creations, who, might I add, has some darling templates!!  I am also
licensed to use them on my t-shirts, which I'm incredibly happy about. :o)  I am very satisfied with my coloring abilities and how the image turned out. lol.

Now then, I have a couple more tshirts to show off...
Thinking about adding glitter to some shirts, just for that extra "oomph".
Here's a spring themed t-shirt I made this morning...

I am fond of this one..... The camera enhances the sparkle quite a bit, but I think it looks awesome!!!
And then I made this one.  It's harder to read in the picture, but it's much clearer in person..

The shirt says "Girly Girl" and I made it for my daughter, I really like how it turned out.
Any feedback on these shirts is appreciated... Don't hesitate and be honest!!!

I have another blog I use for reviews, but I think I'll just start posting them here, since this is my main one.
I will start those in just a bit, I'm past due!!!

Until later

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Good Mo-nin!!

Hey ya'll... hope the morning's treating you well.
Me so far??  EH.  My toothache has now become a cheek swell,
so that's just wonderful.  It feels like I'm storing some food down
in my gums somewhere... lol.  At least, though, I can say... it doesn't
hurt near as bad as it did yesterday!!!  Maybe the antibiotics are SLOWLY
starting to work.  Phew!!

We had just a bit of snow last night... nothing major, thankfully.
A light dusting is about it.  So far, it's been a pretty mild winter here in
Missouri, and for that, I am THANKFUL!!!

As a result of my last post.... we now get to look for cheap carpet.
Luckily, Corey thinks we can do it ourselves and it just so happens that
we have one of those carpet outlet warehouses here in town.  I
remember going there one time during the summer and they had some
pretty cheap carpeting.  We don't need a huge amount, our living
room is a small one, so that's a plus too.  Anddd... we don't need
anything fancy, just some light grey stuff.  So, shouldn't be too
hard (I Hope).  BO still knows he was a bad boy, it's funny
(kinda) he'll pass the spot on the carpet and sink his head down.
It's almost as if he tries to avoid the area now.

Alright... that's about all I've got for now.  I need to
get to some housecleaning and kritter making!!!
Hope ya'll have a great day!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

What a morning!!

Boyyyyy I was sleeping good!  All snuggled on my husband's side of the bed,
Madison had snuck in sometime during the night and she took over my side. ha ha.  My gut decided to start wrenching.... Darnit!  Now I'm awake.
I take my sweet time getting out of the bed, since I didn't really want to be awake just yet.  It's Saturday, I don't have to be awake yet!

I head straight for the kitchen to get my coffee going, seems as though nothing else was visible to me at the moment.  I had no idea what was waiting for me in the living room.  Anyway... I then head to the bathroom, & take care of the necessities.  Alright... Now I can go and turn on the t...

This is what I (finally) see in my living room..

Looks like BO had a great time last night!!!
There's alot going on here.... Let's get some closer looks, shall we?

Those of you who have kiddos that need the nebulizer treatment,
know that this is never good, to "run out" of meds... or to by chance,
have a dog that decides he needs it more.  Let's not forget to mention
that he had also gotten a half full pack of cigarettes, you can see the left
overs in the top picture, and I still haven't managed to find the lighter
that was inside my pack. HA!  He also got a penguin water bottle,
not pictured, that belongs to Madison....she'll be happy.  And Albuterol
wrappers are everywhere!!!  We keep the nebulizer and all meds in
a small duffle bag behind the recliner.... and he's never touched it
before.  Until now.

Here's the SECOND unopened pack of cigarettes he got off my coffee table.
Aparently... he was having a bad nic fit and needed more than the 10
he had already eaten...

After these things... my attention is brought to this spot on the carpet.
Not sure what's going on here... so I got a closer look by pulling back
the fuzzy crap that was on top.

HOLY COW!!  What a great STRONG dog we have!!  Now is a good time
to mention that we RENT our home.... Can we say goodbye deposit?
What the heck do I do with this pup?!

I told Corey this is exactly why he needs his artichokes cut off, yet...
we've not done that as of this moment.  Of course, this makes me
SOOOO mad that my dog did this!!!  BUT.  I am not going to get
rid of him like my husband said we need to do.  He's quick to want to
get rid of a dog, rather than working with them, etc.  We were
raised completely DIFFERENT.  In his family....Dogs are born,
dogs are outside, dogs are animals and they die.
In my family?!  Dogs are born, Dogs are inside, Dogs are
COMPANIONS, dogs are LOVED, Dogs are FAMILY. 
And when they is extremely heart breaking.

So... I have a question to anyone who decides to read this...
What do I do now?!  Aside from the obvious, which I'm making an
appointment for.... What else is there?  I hate keeping him in his Kennel
at nights, which looks like he'll be cooped up for sure now,
but are there any tips anyone could offer?

Help a girl out.... This is ridiculous!
Oh...and here's the troublemaker...
Look at that face!! (lol)

Thanks for reading!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!

Well.... 2010 is gone.  Hello 2011!!
I am ready for a brand new year!!  Let's hope this year is
top notch compared to last year!!
Hope everyone had a great celebration to bring in the year...
but safely too.

Anyway....  I've got a few different blog sites...
and a member of a few too, they're all different and this one is no
exception.  Point is... I enjoy writing.  I needed an outlet
to be able to do why not blogger?
I have my design/tutorial blog, I have CT blogs, but none
for just shootin' the stuff and writing whatever I want.

I'm hoping to have followers at some point... who knows.
I was an avid blogger when yahoo was the stuff.  I was highly read
and people actually looked forward to reading what I had to
say for the day.  Then yahoo fizzled out.  *Sigh*

Stay tuned for some interesting (or not so interesting) reads I
hope to write in the future.  Thanks for stopping by!!